Tuesday, July 22

A Lack Of Color

Current favourite song : Thunder - Boys Like Girls
Go have a listen if you have a lil more than 4 minutes to spare, hope you like it too. No worries though, Death Cab For Cutie still stands as my favourite band. And I have a feeling it's there to stay for a while. Don't think I've ever posted lyrics before and I'm not about to do so anytime soon. I can send it to you via msn if you're on my contacts list but msn's just hasn't been working at all these few days.

Been slacking as usual, mind's screaming that exams are just around the corner but simply haven't found the mood to sit myself down and start revising. Spoke to a friend I haven't spoken to in a while on Sunday night. Laughed a whole lot during and after talking to that friend. It was nice.

I'm finding it harder and harder to breathe by every time you say those things to me. It may not sound the same, it may not be the same words, but they mean all the same and you're suffocating me. I'd like us to remain the way we are at present forever, thank you.

Have been spending more time speaking and communicating with my parents. Thank God it's working a whole lot better nowadays. Sure, I still have my tantrums but they've been down-sized so much even I can't believe it myself. Yesterday while Paps was sending me to school he compared me to one of his friends' daughters. I won't say much but some of it went a lil like this : "You see I can count at the tip of my fingers and my friend's maths is the no-hope kind. So you should be able to do better than his straight-As student of a daughter right? Right?". I don't know about others but it makes me feel extremely tiny when I'm compared to other people, doesn't matter if others say whether I'm the 'better' one or the not-so-good one, I just don't feel any bigger than a tiny speck. But I know he means well though. I know he does.

I don't normally spill unless I'm asked what's wrong. I don't normally ask what's wrong unless someone doesn't look happy. I don't normally tell what I've planned or what I know is about to happen unless necessary. I don't normally ask what's going on because I rather find out when I'm meant to know so. I don't normally cry in front of people unless I can't hold it out any longer. I don't normally have people cry on my shoulder but I do know even sitting beside one another in silence can sometimes be a great help.

I'm not the type of person who lies to a friend, but I'm the type who lies to my teacher if I haven't completed my work. I am not the type of girl who speaks and makes sense all the time, but I'm the type who speaks what I think is best for that particular situation for that particular person. I'm not the type who's able to stand on my own, but I'm the type who relies on others to get me along every day. I'm not the type who likes being in front giving all the instructions and restricting people from things they wish to do, but I'm the type who's put there to be the 'bad one'. I'm not the type who considers before I react, but I'm the type who regrets my mistakes and learns the most I can from my wrongs in the hopes of rectifying them. I'm not strong, but I'm not weak. I'm not noisy, but I'm not silent. I'm not blind, but I might not see. I may be tone-deaf, but nevertheless I do hear.

"I may be stupid today, but I am smarter than I was yesterday."
- Pn. Heryati, my BM teacher.

To all of us humans, who are never who we are the day before.

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