Sunday, October 14

It Isn't Clear Anymore.

Ever wondered how much courage it'd take to do a bungee-jump?
Now take that amount of courage and add in a wee bit of determination and what do you get?

Courage + Determination = A stubborn mule.

If you've ever taken time off to observe, there are:
*people who doubt themselves all the time
*people who sometimes harbour thoughts of doubt but yet they still do find time to reaffirm themselves and try to do better
*people who think they're right all the time <-( the stubborn mules ) Now let's think for a bit. Which one of the 3 categories above do you belong in? The category where we keep doubting our abilities, our talents, our personality, our outside looks or even our inner thoughts? Do we belong in the group where we think so highly of ourselves that, since I am this and I am that, so what if other people say or give me what little meaningful feedbacks, when I can just shove them all away by one little ignorant hand? Or rather, are we those who know when to keep it balanced, where we doubt ourselves in things we lack of confidence in but know when to provide affirmations not only for ourselves but for the benefit of others as well? I'd like to think i'm a mixture of the doubtful type and the type that knows
how to juggle the affirmations and doubts along the way.
It's the things I do that determine how I look at myself, how i bring myself about, how I deal with situations that crop up all of a sudden.

Which category do I belong to for the time being then?

I feel a lot of doubt regarding myself, I feel as though I haven't done enough yet.
I feel a huge massive blob of confusion over my head and seriously speaking, I'm scared.
I feel like all of a sudden everything doesn't seem to be just itself, as though there's more to it than meets the eye.
I feel as though things are going so fast that I find that I can't keep up with my normal pace anymore.

If I seem a lil' down, please do forgive me. For I just don't have the heart for harbouring thoughts that usually make me jump around and bounce about for the time being.
To all who have shown their concern, I appreciate it a whole bunch from the bottom of my heart and I love you guys for caring.
We'll all make it someday, somehow. That, I can gurantee.

p/s : Happy Birthday my dear late Grandmama.

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