Sunday, October 12

Falling down

I'm sure everyone has fallen down sometime throughout their whole life.
Be it a physical or a mental fall, we've somehow gone through or seen others fall.
It hurts mostly, and yes we do get scarred from time to time.
We could become immune to the pain, or we could build up enough callus to minimize the damage the next time we fall.
The rest of the time however, we prefer to take some time off just by crying out, kicking the air with our legs in frustration, or even brooding over it silently without others knowing.
Just be sure to pick yourself up when you do fall, unless you're quite sure you won't be able to do it alone then get someone you can always rely on.
Because you never know how you can cause another person to trip and fall by sitting on the ground for too long.

I slipped and fell in my toilet yesterday.

Hit the back of my head against the sink pretty bad.
Every now and then it pounds as I feel the blood rushing.
I wonder if I have a concussion or a tumour or a blood clot or some sort.
Terrific, I'm turning sadistic.

I'm sorry I couldn't make it to the library yesterday Jack.
Had to go see my maid off at Senai and then attended a meeting in church.
Hope you studied with Jourdy and got a good look at the place.

Woke up today and got run down by a train of thoughts.

Why is it that I see things out of these two sockets I have for eyes?
Someday, I'll be living my own life, at my very own place.
Who will I be?
Am I really going to be happy?
Some things never change.
Leave if you wish, only stay if you really want to.
Pick one, the right one, and stick to it.
My English teacher hates me.
I may be fat and ugly on the outside, but we're all pretty on the inside.
Everyone won't be around all the time.
Sometime, someday, somewhere, somehow, things will and are about to happen.

I got lied to again.
It's one of the worst feelings one can feel.
But I fall for it every time.
Stupid dumb lies.
I wonder if I should do something.
Because honestly, I'm tired of this.

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