Sunday, March 2

A post to a few people...

To the one I have hurt
I'm sorry, truly am
I've been horrible and you've never once turned your back on me
It was awesome talking to you just this week
Know that you're being missed and take care of yourself

To the one who has been hurt
Every time I get your messages or phone calls my heart goes especially out to you and you only for that brief moment
I sincerely hope you do get over it soon
Though I know shit happens and it hurts particularly horribly right now
Know that I'm around and I can't keep harm from you but we can help each other out

To the one who has been there for me
Every time things don't seem too good I pick up my cell and there you'll be
Even meeting you in school or outside, or a simple message online be it via msn or facebook
I can't possibly tell you how much better you always make me feel
If I haven't done the same for you all I can say is that I'm a pig and a million thanks

To the one who has inflicted pain
It hurts, you may not know how terribly but it really does
I really don't have much to say but I can thank you
Why? For helping me grow and become a stronger person
Regarding the things you do, say or think
You'll never know how much it matters to someone else and what it does to others

To the one who finds the time for us to talk even though we're physically separated
Believe it or not you might think you're causing me inconvenience but you make me feel better just by talking to you
A simple 'hi' could make me tear up cause I really can't imagine losing contact just because we don't meet with each other anymore
Thank you, for staying on as a friend to me

To the one of whom I fear
You have pushed me to do better than I normally can
You have taught me how to deal with my fears
Even though it meant to fear you in the process of being unafraid of something else
I'll never forget the things you've enlightened me on

To the one who has left
I've missed you and will always do
Do not worry too much about me forgetting you
Cause the truth is I never will

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