Friday, March 7

Coffee Break

Went out today with Leroy and gang to grab some coffee.
Though I presume he conveniently forgot to tell me that there'd be his peeps around as well.
It's okay, I had fun with you guys.
Fyi, I hung for a bit with Leroy, ShuPei(only for about 10 minutes in Leroy's car ='/), Nigel, Brian and Vinesh. Joel joined us at The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf outlet in City Square later on.

Let's see.
If you were to ask me what was the most amusing part of today apart from the incident my mum was involved in(for more info, ask me personally), I think it'd be the time right after we dropped ShuPei off at Kerry's.
Honestly speaking, never in my life have I seen guys do what these dudes did today(in Leroy's car).
Allow me to evaluate things a wee bit.

Right after ShuPei off, a song came on the radio. A song called 'Wonderwall'.
Right a second after Vinesh(if I'm not mistaken) said the word 'Oasis'.
As you know, the whole clique practically WORSHIPS that song.
What happened was really quite similar with the scene from the movie 'White Chicks' when 'A Thousand Miles' came on the radio with all the actors and actresses squealing and singing along.
Except that these were GUYS.
I have to tell you, I've NEVER seen this side of a guy before, let alone GUYS.
Except maybe for Leroy, who sings along to every song he hears if he knows the lyrics and the tune to it. But that's a whole new another story.
Amusing enough to make any girl fight back her tears of laughter while having her back turned from the guys in the backseat. :'D
And so there were 5.

Moving on, we arrived at City Square and Leroy parked his car.
The minute we stepped out of the lift, Mr Tan Young King just HAD to exclaim his estatic-ness of being in City Square that a bunch of lala young teens turned around and stole a few glances at him, no doubt wondering how this madman made his escape to a public area.
So we walked to this pillar where we found ourselves wondering where to go.
The dudes decided to let me make the decision on where to go, so I gave them a choice between CofBean&TeaLeaf and Starbucks.
They chose CofBean so off we went.

Sat down after ordering my LARGE ICE BLENDED MOCHA along with Loy's drink and a piece of Choco Fudge cake.
Talked and talked while loads of people passed us by outside.
Juniors, seniors, the dudes' friends, you name it.
Then Joel joined us shortly. And so there were 6.
Talked for a bit more before the dudes' tangan gatal sangat, we bertolak-ed for the arcade. Brian left before we got to the escalator. And so it was 5.
Raced once(no, I did NOT race), Joel left. And then there were 4.
Raced once more, Vinesh left. And we were 3.

So we walked around for a bit, Leroy did some purchasing, and took a lift down to the basement carpark.
Went down to B2, couldn't find Leroy's car. Leroy panicked.
Rushed up to B1, still no sign of car. Leroy almost made a piss in his pants.
Ran down the stairs to B3, and thank God it was there. Leroy fell to the floor in relief. xD
Left City Square for my home, dropped me and off Leroy and Nigel went.

Thank you for bringing me out. Haven't been out this year as much as last year.
And God knows I needed the outing apart from the movie I watched with Mercy. :D
Thanks a bunch and I had fun. Though Leroy was being his normal hyper cannot-sit-still self.

What can I say, I had COFFEE. My addiction

Hi, I'm high. :DDDDDDDDDD


¿~von~? said...

coffee coffee without me?
im sure didnt taste that good!

Anonymous said...

hahaha, like a bloody choir in the car with the guys right. just that it doesnt sound right at times. I've experienced it before. was kinda freaked out but it's fun. no one could hear me singing cause they were screaming so loud. =S