Saturday, January 3

A tag & whatnots

1. Take a recent picture of yourself or take a picture right now.
2. Don’t change your clothes, just take a picture.

3. Post that picture with NO editing.
4. Post the picture with these instructions.

That's Becca in the picture. Cute little fart, she is.

Instructions: #Remove one question from below and add in your personal question. #Make a total of 20 questions and tag 5 people. #List them out at the end of the post. #Notify them in their cbox that they’ve been tagged.

1.What’s your ambition?
To be a musician.

2. What do u like the most bout
your siblings?
They're both girls and when you offend one, you offend all.

3. Are u looking for a boyfriend?

Nah, I'm never gonna get married.

4.Do you think you have enough confidence?

I guess, when I'm with certain people I tend to be more confident.

5.How many babies you want?

Not getting married.

6.Do you wanna play this tag?

Not really, but it's from Ceci!

7.What is your goal for this year(2009)?

Do what I want and be who I want to be.

8.Do you love your everything?

Depends. (note:check your grammar)

9.What’s a perfect girlfriend/boyfriend like to u?(list 10)

Honest, understanding, sweet, has good grammar, doesn't have to be too rich but can't be poor, interesting, humorous, tolerant, musically inclined(preferably) and an awesome individual.

10.Do u ever wonder where you would end up after you die?

All the time actually. I'm not so much a sadist though, only sometimes.

11.What are your bad habits?

I'm very impatient and rude at times. Inconsiderate too.

12. Do you love shopping?

Depends on whether or not I have something to shop for.

13. State a random fact about yourself.

I hate it when everyone likes the things I like. That's probably why I don't quite like Spongebob and Twilight so much anymoe. I still love vampires though!

14.What does flying means to you?

Taking off and facing risks.

15.What do you crave for the most currently?

An ice blended mocha from Starbucks, some Famous Amos Chocolate Chip without Pecans and a call from my bestie who's away at NS now.

16.Describe the person that tagged you in 7 words.

Best friend during earlier years of secschool.

17.Are you currently single?


18.What is in your mind now?


19. Beach or swimming pool?


20.Who do you want to be 10 years later
Someone who can afford to have a cup of Starbucks every single day by producing and playing music.

I tag : nobody. Busy munching on my Fitnesse cereal.


Trip to Sentosa Beach on 30th Dec 2008
with some of fellow RYLA-rians

Standing(from left) :
Jerrard, Yang Zhi, Cai Ling, Picasso, Fiona, Sara, Vanessa, Wilma, Wen Li mei and Rachel
Frontmen : Farhan and Maurice

It always stays the same,
nothing ever changes.
-English Summer Rain, Placebo

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