Clad in black, my hero's voice echoed in the room
Whatever he did or said, he never noticed my swoon
Whatever he did or said, he never noticed my swoon
6 days till opening night
5 days till I lose my sleep over nerves
4 days till the return of Jack the bestie
3 days till I lose my sleep over excitement
2 days till my only rest day before returning to the esplanade
1 day till I lose my sleep over intensive rehearsals and ultimately performances
Nice way of putting things, isn't it? Well, time is running now just as the Road Runner runs from Coyote every single time without fail.
Outfits have been tried on, staging positions rehearsed, the hero has been swooned at by me without fail; can't see how anything else can go wrong.
Ah! Begone worry and all, leave me be.
"You don't even know I'm alive."
-The Invisible Man, 98 Degrees
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