PART I - a convo where two girls are considerably high :D
Sara(: says: eh shyt larh
Sara(: says: i can't believe it
« mercy »™ Let's ditch the logical. says: vai?
Sara(: says: i like this kylie minogue song
« mercy »™ Let's ditch the logical. says: vai vhei?
« mercy »™ Let's ditch the logical. says: O_O
« mercy »™ Let's ditch the logical. says: deiii
« mercy »™ Let's ditch the logical. says: you okai da?
Sara(: says: two hearts
Sara(: says: xD
« mercy »™ Let's ditch the logical. says: ahahhah
Sara(: says: shyt larh wei
« mercy »™ Let's ditch the logical. says: guess what
« mercy »™ Let's ditch the logical. says: I OSO LIKE
Sara(: says: what?!
« mercy »™ Let's ditch the logical. says: HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHA
« mercy »™ Let's ditch the logical. says: whahahhahaha
« mercy »™ Let's ditch the logical. says: we samarsamarr
Sara(: says: *omg we're having the same reactions sia*
Sara(: says: xD
« mercy »™ Let's ditch the logical. says: whahahahhahah
Sara(: says: omg see
« mercy »™ Let's ditch the logical. says: yeah whey
Sara(: says: shyt
Sara(: says: xD
« mercy »™ Let's ditch the logical. says: zongg
« mercy »™ Let's ditch the logical. says: lol
PART II - a convo where two girls are considerably high, along with a guy who's bengang all the way till the end
Sara(: says: WHAT'S MY AGE AGAIN
Sara(: says: xD
« mercy »™ Let's ditch the logical. says: ahahhaha
« mercy »™ Let's ditch the logical. says: blink
« mercy »™ Let's ditch the logical. says: woot
Joel says: o.o
Sara(: says: *blink blink 182 times*
Sara(: says: xD
« mercy »™ Let's ditch the logical. says: i thought of zeke
Sara(: says: LOL
« mercy »™ Let's ditch the logical. says: lol
Sara(: says: ya me too
« mercy »™ Let's ditch the logical. says: ahahha
« mercy »™ Let's ditch the logical. says: same reaction again!
Sara(: says: YAY
Come come now people, gather around. I have a secret to reveal, something I've learnt only today.
BEHOLD. THE IDEA PINK IN THE EYES OF ONE OF THE OPPOSITE GENDER fyi : i'm a girl, so this means the following opinion comes from a guy. wait, you're a guy right??? xD
I don't know about you guys, but this year didn't really start off so well. ):
And seriously, I really can't stand it anymore if anyone tells me I'm getting too emotional. I just won't be able to take in any of that anymore.
If I have already snapped at you, then you're one of the few unfortunate ones who happened to catch me in a not-so-good mood. But honestly, I apologize. I assure you I'm trying my hardest to not show all these nonsense though I think it's not really working for now. Sorry. ):
WenLi, I did it again. And this time not even rays are shining through this pit. Eva, please please please can we talk? I think I might need your ears for some stuff that's coming up soon. Nick, I'm sorry. Truly am. It's just the way I speak to people I guess. Bev, hang in there gal! We'll get through with each other and hope for the best. Vivian, I really don't know how to lighten your burden seeing as to how tied down I am myself. Nevertheless, if there is anything at all you just give me a ring and I'll see what I can do ya Captain?? Hang in there too! Ceci, haven't hung with you in a while. Can we find a date to hang soon please? Let me know sista! Top 4+Agnes, have to meet up soon to get the task given done. Let me know when ya? All other peeps, don't lose hope if you think things aren't going too well, though I'm about to lose hope myself, I'm sure everything's gonna get back to normal somehow sometime soon. Like how the saying goes, 'Things happen for a reason, you might not know why right now, but you will soon enough.' Besides, He'll see us all through!
p/s : Sorry, pics still not up yet. Real soon real soon. Sorry. Again. ):
Ah screw. Pictures not in yet, haven't had the time to upload them. x( That was a picture of all my birthday presents btw. Birthday presents only mind you.:D
Been feeling kinda pissed lately when I stumbled across this lil thing and fell in love with it.
Next up, pictures from the church camp I attended the past december. Note : I wasn't in my best mood the day these pictures were taken so pardon the 'muka masam'.
I seriously think someone should shoot beverley down for being such a funny kid-like girlfriend. Though that might result in me coming after whoever shoots her down anyways. :D
Everyone thinks Mel is an arse. But honestly, EVERYONE is an arse, even me! xD
Doesn't he look drunk to you? That weirdo.
Told you I wasn't a happy kid that day.
And so you can see me attempting to assassinate the 'king'.
We decided that everyone was to have a different personality portrayed. Hence, the massive difference in our expressions. (Nick, you're such a GIRL! HAH!)
The funny 'kid' and her two bored-out friends.
The SHC girls at Steve's 'villa' on the wee hours of xmas morning after we finished our xmas mass in church. :D
Okay, this one's a bit odd out of all them other pictures. But it goes to show that even Alven, my cousin, has times when he wishes to relive childhood memories. (Don't you, Ven? xD)
Sorry again that the pictures aren't up yet, not that anyone would even bother reading my posts... But, oh well. Oh oh and btw, I've paid a visit to the doctor's and guess what???
Sara. Is. Normal. And. She. Shall. Live. kjdashgsludhfrlqieyvfksdflkabsldjkbsdlgdbfiywrvfYay. Now if you'll excuse me, I have a lot more biting to do in this world. Goodnight all.
There are times when people put you down. There are times when people bring you up. There are times when you want company. There are times when you prefer solitude.
Someone once told me that depending on people will bring one down one day, and so it is much better to do things yourself. At that time, I replied saying one can never go far without others as support. But for now, I kind of rather go through things on my own. Bear with me, will you?
A full 5 days of school as the eldest batch of students walking around has been quite different.
For starters, you won't be seeing the senior prefects standing outside the hall or along any path, ushering the girls back to classes after assembly.
Am currently feeling a little pressurized already now that a few teachers have walked straight into class grumbling about the class being noisy when it's THE YEAR already, that fun is to be taken out of our vocabulary for this year and all related.
Pregnant BM teacher has succeeded in finishing the novel in two double periods. Yes, all 11 chapters of the 'oh-so-coincidental' story. Pregnant PD-cum-class teacher to 'bersalin' or in other words prepare for the arrival of her new baby girl, anytime now. And gee, are they both getting huge and looking all unbalanced.
Was asked to write about an idol for English, wrote about someone I look up to instead. But no worries, the words 'Excellent. Keep it up.' at the bottom corner of the page were good enough for me.
PA will always be like that I guess. Two full periods of mad rush and insane calculating. But I love PA classes. That teacher's an interesting and awesome person.
EA teacher's just as intimidating, being the type that makes your brains go *poof* leaving it all blank when she calls your name to answer her question. But it works for us, so all's well. And she smiles at me more nowadays during non-PNP times, so I'm rather flattered.
Science is officially driving me mad. The ever-so-long and complicating names for the microorganisms and their characteristics including their sizes and the names are enough to make a nun swear. But then again, the experiment we did the other day was rather interesting.
Going through number bases now, mathematics is quite a breeze I must say. Jess, the girl who sits beside me in class, might have a little bumps here and there but she's kind of warning me of the mistakes I might make during upcoming papers. So it's great to help someone who needs a little more time to write the correct answers down really.
History, I must say, is taking a huge turn right now. Surprisingly the one teacher the whole class has been dreading to meet is actually getting me interested in the subject. That's excluding the fact that she repeats the things she say only about 6 times and that she almost made us draw a map of Asia Tenggara after the first lesson, but the thing is that she really knows the syllabus well. From form 3, to last year and to the things we are to learn this year. Unexpected, but nonetheless a promising looking teacher for now.
PJ is really sucky right now. I really don't want to bring it up.
Moral's the same. The class atmosphere, the teacher, and her size.
All in all, everything's been pretty okay. Haven't missed passing up any of my homework yetso far, so I haven't gotten into any deep trouble for now. Shall try not to be lazy and keep up with the string of homework as long as I can and with my all.
p/s : I'm assistant monitor. And the class doesn't listen to neither me or the monitor. Pfft.
Day 1 - the day they met She didn't like the looks of him, especially after what her girlfriends had told her. Being the egoistic guy he was, he felt that she was someone different from others.
Day 2 - the day they spoke He tried to make a conversation. She didn't let it happen.
Day 3 - the day they were in the same group She had to work on a task with him. He finally heard her speak.
Day 6 - the day they got to be friends He told his friends he met this special girl. She told her friends he wasn't half as bad as they had told her.
Day 10 - the day their friends set them apart She was told that he had other motives befriending her. He was told she wasn't that simple girl he thought she would be.
Day 15 - the day they confronted each other He told her he didn't think of her as what his friends told him. She told him she didn't look at him as a faker.
Day 23 - the day they started out He asked her out as someone more than a friend. She said yes.
Since that day - They've been together ever since.
Sure, there's been ups and downs. But what matters to them is that they get through things TOGETHER. Because to them, that's what matters. (:
It's funny how little things make the slightest changes in all that we do.
It's funny how much one person can mean the whole world to us.
But most of all, it's funny how caught up one can get with their own affairs that they'd forget to take in the little things and also that someone who means the whole world to us.
I read this somewhere but I really can't remember.
" He never knew how much a difference he made with every single word he uttered to her. Until the day she stopped listening. "
Life. It's full of goodbyes. Some people get them real often, others rarely get them at all. But one thing's for sure, everyone goes through goodbyes and farewells.
Just when they're about to leave, you put on a strong front and force a smile to cover your teary eyes, saying 'Have fun! Am so very proud of you now.'
But then, you'll find yourself waiting and waiting for the time they're expected back. Sometimes, you'll even hope that the ones who're really gone might just appear at your doorstep as if everything was a dream.
As time drags by, you start having thoughts whether that someone is watching you from afar, watching you crumble and hurt without knowing the real reason why you're like that. Your guardian angel who left perhaps.
At times like these you'll start remembering your times together. Friends, loved ones, family members, all alike. The bonds, the closeness, the memories.
The smiles and laughter you shared, the fun and havoc you created together, those times.
As from before, you start thinking of the hugs and support that came from that someone who's not around to do so anymore.