Tuesday, January 1

A phase of life.

It's full of goodbyes.
Some people get them real often, others rarely get them at all.
But one thing's for sure, everyone goes through goodbyes and farewells.

Just when they're about to leave,
you put on a strong front and force a smile to cover your teary eyes, saying
'Have fun! Am so very proud of you now.'

But then, you'll find yourself waiting and waiting for the time they're expected back.
Sometimes, you'll even hope that the ones who're really gone might just appear at your doorstep as if everything was a dream.

As time drags by, you start having thoughts whether that someone is watching you from afar,
watching you crumble and hurt without knowing the real reason why you're like that.
Your guardian angel who left perhaps.

At times like these you'll start remembering your times together.
loved ones,
family members,
all alike.
The bonds, the closeness, the memories.

The smiles and laughter you shared,
the fun and havoc you created together,
those times.

As from before, you start thinking of the hugs and support that came from that someone who's not around to do so anymore.

Then it hits you.

Whatever happened to my own gummy bear buddy? =`C

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

love this post.i've been going thru the same thing you've posted. goodbyes. hate them but still love the post.